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Mar 6, 2016

3 Important Things To Consider When Buying Crane Parts

Having high quality equipment and machinery is one key to accomplish a construction project on time. Your highly skilled workers won’t be able to complete the task without the right heavy equipment such as crane, crane parts, excavator, forklift, backhoe, bulldozer and many others. Undeniably, crane is one of the important machines in most construction sites since it is used for lifting and lowering materials.

best crane parts company

Are you looking for crane spare parts?  They can be a bit difficult to shop since there are several brands and varieties available in the market, but the task does not have to be impossible. Keep in mind these three things and you can easily find what you are looking for.

Brand Names

Obviously, the first thing you must consider if you are searching for crane parts is the brand. There are plenty of brands known in the industry for their durability and strength. On the other hand, some brands are famous for being overpriced, mediocre or full of defects. But you can’t just choose any of those without checking the brand of your crane. Look for spare parts that belong to the same brand as your crane. For instance, if you have Kobelco crane, you should opt for Kobelco crane parts. Or you must use Kato spares for Kato crane.

Incompatibility of parts may pose risk to the machine operator or to the workers nearby the crane. It might cause an accident. In some cases, there are spare parts that are compatible with other brands. However, this should be your last option especially if your brand doesn’t have available spares for your crane. Always ask the supplier’s opinion about the best alternative.

buy Kobelco crane parts


The price for crane parts may vary from one supplier to another. So, you will probably want to draw up a budget when you go shopping for crane parts. But instead of setting a particular budget, you might want to have two numbers in mind. The first should be the amount you don’t want to exceed, and the second should be the amount you cannot exceed. Did you see the difference? For example, you might tell yourself that “any crane parts under $50 dollars is likely to be a cheap, flimsy product, but anything over $150 dollars will cost extra budget from my own pocket.” You can use this tip in drafting your budget.

Make sure to request for quote of all the things you need from different suppliers so you can compare the prices. Doing a comparison will help you make a final decision on which supplier to buy the crane parts.

P&H crane parts in Singapore


One critical rule in buying any product is to ensure that it has a warranty. Never buy anything without a warranty! It is an essential advice in general, whether you are planning to buy construction related product or not, but it is especially true for crane parts. You don't want to spend your entire budget twofold or more just because you have to pay shipping charges to return a defective item. So, before you finalize the purchase, be sure to read the fine print on returns and exchanges as well as other charges.

Most suppliers offer warranty for all crane parts and other products. For instance, if you buy P&H crane parts, the products should come along with at least 6-month to a year warranty. If they don’t give you warranty, you can look for another supplier. Those suppliers who are not confident in their products will try to sell you something without a promise that it works. You wouldn't want to be dealing with them, right?

1 comment:

  1. I really appreciate you sharing this info! I've been needing to find a crane hire, but this helped a ton. I'm grateful we have services that rent stuff like this out.
    Heavy machinery for sale
